Remember Me feature for Logins
Now, the OrangeHRM system has the ability to enable the ‘Remember Me’ feature from the backend. With this feature, the users can keep logged into the system for 30 days by remembering the credentials. This number of days can be specified from the backend when configuring the ‘Remember Me’ feature as well.
Also, when a session expires (time-out) a message is shown.
The following options are available under this feature.
- Logging out the user, when their account in OrangeHRM is no longer valid
- Logging out the user, when changes are made to the user account
- The option to log out from multiple signed-in web browsers
- Reauthentication pop-up to be shown in the following critical scenarios; Password Reset, Delete User, Edit User
Improvements in Email Notification
OrangeHRM birthday notification is a feature that allows managers or HR personnel to receive alerts and reminders for upcoming employee birthdays.
Now, the user can add a background image to an email body. With this feature, the emails sent through the system look more professional, sophisticated, and user-friendly.
The user can open any email template the user likes from HR Administration → Configurations → Email Notifications and go to Edit Template to add a background image to an email template.
A new token is also introduced to add the profile picture to an email. The user can use the following format to add a profile picture to the email.
Shape = Circle or Square
X, Y = Dimensions(Width and Height in Pixels)
Eg. %ProfilePicture.Circle.160.160%
In addition to the supported browsers
With this release a new addition to the OrangeHRM-supported browsers. Now Safari browser support is available along with the other supported browsers.