Goals can be created by all employees in the company. Goals are targets that have been created to help the company identify the direction it should take and identify the key actions necessary to grow and achieve its objectives. They can be used to foster teamwork and help the business define what it wants to accomplish. They can be either individual or business goals. Supervisors can create goals for their subordinates. The employees can create goals for themselves.
To Add a Goal, Select Performance > Goals > Goals List
The following goal statuses are listed on the left-hand side of the Goal List:
Goal Status | Description |
All | All the goals are listed irrespective of the status of the goal. |
Pending | Only the goals with a completion rate of 0% are listed here. |
In Progress | Only the goals with a completion rate of more than 0% but less than 100% are listed here. |
Achieved | Only the goals with a completion rate of 100% are listed here. |
Not Achieved | Any goal marked as "Not Achieved" is listed here |
On Hold | Any goal marked as "On Hold" is listed here |
Configure columns
By default the goals list, displays the goal name, level of the goal, name of the goal owner, goal due date, the status of the goal, and priority of the goal.
It is possible to configure up to 9 columns to appear including the Employee ID, job title, location, or subunit of the goal owner. For example, if you wish to retrieve a specific set of goals that you have created for a department, you can simply extract that required information by specifying the relevant criteria.
Step 1: Click the configure icon, select the preferred columns and click 'Save'
Step 2: Click the down arrow icon incorporated with the goal to change the progress of the goal.
Step 3: Click the "+" or "-" icon to increase or decrease the progression of the goal as applicable.
Goal and OKRs accomplishments can now be progressed beyond 100% to recognize and highlight those employees who have exceeded expectations. The supervisors and managers may now immediately see which of their subordinates'/employees have exceeded the targets or OKRs that were set for them.
Step 4: Click the "i" icon to see the goal description.
Step 5: In the Goal List screen, you can see a new column displaying the goal weight alongside the goal to adjust the weight as needed.
Step 6: To update the goal's status, click the down arrow next to the goal's status and set it accordingly.
Filter goals
Step 7 - You can define the search criteria based on the following fields in the goal search screen:
Filter | Description |
Goal Level |
The following options are available in this field:
Goal Owner | Lists the employees who are accessible to the user |
Job Title | Search based on the Job Title |
Location | Search based on the Location name |
Subunit |
Search based on the subunit |
Employment Status |
Search based on the employment status |
Supervisors | Filter employee goals according to selected supervisors |
Include | Include goal information for current, current and past or past employees only |
Goal | The system will return goals where goal names contain text matching the entered text anywhere in the goal name or goal description. |
Due Date From | Search based on the date that has been set as the goal start date. |
Due Date To | Search based on the date that has been set as the goal completion date. |
Priority | Search based on the priority |
Show Achieved Goals | This will return achieved goals that are not shown in the default view. |
Show Development Goals |
This will return development goals that are not shown in the default view. When retrieving development goals in the goals section, the development goals that are in the status of “Initiated” and “In Progress” are shown in this section. The Development goals from IDPs that are in "Not Initiated" and “Closed” status are not shown in this section. |
Make Filter Default | By enabling this option, the users' applied filter will be preserved |
Assign Goals
Step 8 - To create goals, click the "Create goals" button.
Step 9 – Complete the following fields in the form and Click 'Save'.
Field |
Description |
Level |
· Organizational – Select this option if the Goal should be assigned to one employee only. · Individual – Select this option to assign the Goal to multiple employees. |
Goal Name |
Name of the Goal. |
Parent Goal |
Select the parent Goal of the new Goal being created. (Optional) |
Description |
Description of the Goal. |
Due Date |
The due date for the Goal. |
Completion |
Percentage of Completion. |
Add to Library |
Add the Goal to the Library to re-use again. |
Assigned to |
The employee that the Goal is to be assigned to. |
Evaluator Groups |
Select Evaluators for the Goal to enable the evaluators to rate when creating the appraisals. Ex: All, Main Evaluator, Supervisor, Self, Peers |
Priority |
Define the goal priority based on the following priority statuses: Low, Medium, High, and Critical |
Read Only (for Assignee) |
The assigned Employee cannot edit the goal if selected. (Applicable only for Individual Goal Type) |
Single Assign / Bulk Assign |
Assign the Goal to multiple employees. Select the group of employees the goal should be assigned to based on the Job Titles, Location, or sub-unit. (Applicable only for Individual Goal Type) |
Step 10– To add sub-goals to the parent goal, click "Add Sub Goals."
Step 11– Include the details for the sub-goals.
Step 12 - After adding the sub-goals to the parent goal, click save.
If you have any attachments to upload such as relevant materials employees may need to refer to in order to achieve the goal, you can click this icon to add such attachments if needed.
If you want to copy the previously created goals for the employees you can perform that through the goals list.
Step 13 - Select the goals that you want to copy from the goals list and click "Copy Selected".
After that the following window displays. Select the employees that you want to assign the goal/s and select the due date of the goal, the priority of the goal, and the evaluators for the goal. If you want to copy the sub-goals of the goals that you have selected you may select the "Include Goals" check box and click 'Create Goals'.
Perform Actions Over Goals
Once an employee has submitted a goal, admin/supervisors can perform an action on these goals. Upon approving or rejecting a goal, a confirmation pop-up window displays allowing the user to add a comment before performing any action on the goals.
Step 14- Click the unapproved goals section
Step 15 - Select the goal to approve or reject
Step 16 -To see the detailed view of the goal, click "More Details."
The yearly goals are decided at the beginning of the year due to priorities and the time when new goals/ objectives can be assigned to the employees. Add goals to the appraisal. Once a new goal is created admins will see the goal details screen.
Step 17 - If you want to add any comment on the progress of the goal or to see the goal owners/subordinate's comments you can click the comment icon to perform that.
Step 18 - Select the goal to approve or reject.
Note - HR Admin can define the actions to be performed on the goals that employees have created. So, if an employee creates a goal, it can be either approved or rejected by the supervisor. When performing an action over goals, if the user needs to get notified of the actions taken, we can enable the goal workflow in the system. Please contact OrangeHRM gold support through goldsupport@orangehrm.com for further information.
How to set up Objectives
OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. The Objective is qualitative, and the Key Results (most often three) are quantitative. The goal of OKRs is to define how to achieve objectives through concrete, specific, and measurable actions. OKRs consist of two key components, the Objective, and the Key Results. Objectives are memorable, qualitative descriptions of what you want to achieve. Objectives should be short, inspirational, and engaging. An Objective should motivate and challenge the team to achieve results.
Key Results are a set of metrics that measure your progress toward the Objective. For each Objective, you should have a set of 2 to 5 Key Results. All Key Results have to be quantitative and measurable.
Advantages of using OKRs
There are so many advantages to using Objectives and Key Results (OKR). Some are listed down here. For team members and employees, some of the benefits include:
- Achieving more with less effort;
- Being listened to by your leader;
- Receiving praise and positive feedback from your co-workers;
- Having a lightweight task manager to track significant goals and weekly objectives.
For leaders and managers, the benefits are:
- Quickly knowing what's happening within a team;
- Increasing productivity;
- Allowing for better, more informed decision-making;
- Guiding your people and sharing feedback;
- Measuring work satisfaction;
Example of an OKR
Objective: Delight our customers
Key Results:
- Reduce revenue churn (cancellation) from X% to Y%
- Increase Net Promoter Score from X to Y
- Improve average weekly visits per active user from X to Y
- Increase non-paid (organic) traffic from X to Y
- Improve engagement (users that complete a full profile) from X to Y.
It is possible to create OKRs by navigating to Performance -> Goals -> Goal List -> Add Objective with Key Results(OKR).
Step 1 - First create an objective and add key results. When clicking the "Add Objective" option, it will direct you to the following screen where you can enter details about the objective. It is compulsory to assign this objective to an employee with a specific due date.
Field |
Description |
Level |
· Organizational – Select this option if the Objective should be assigned to the head of the unit stating the Organisation's goal for the current year. · Individual – Select this option to assign the Goal to individual employees. |
Objective Name |
Name of the Objective. |
Description |
Description of the Objective. |
Due Date |
Due date of the Objective. |
Completion |
Percentage of Completion. |
Add to Library |
Add the Objective to the Library to reuse it again. |
Assign to |
The employee that the Objective is being assigned to. |
Evaluator Groups |
Select Evaluators for the Objective to enable the evaluators to rate when creating the appraisals. Ex: All, Main Evaluator, Supervisor, Self, Peers |
Read Only for Assignee |
The assigned Employee cannot edit the objective if selected. (Applicable only for Individual Objective Type) |
Bulk Assign |
Assign the Objective to multiple employees. Select the group of employees the Objective should be assigned to based on their Job Titles, Location, or sub-unit. (Applicable only for Individual Objective Type) |
Priority |
Define the Objective priority based on the following priority statuses: Low, Medium, High, and Critical |
Step 2- Once you save the Objective, it enables you to add Key Results for the created Objective. A Key Result is also a goal that retains the behavior of goals except:
- It can have a metric
- It has an objective (mandatory, and cannot be changed)
- It cannot have sub-goals
Step 3 - By clicking on add key results, the following screen will be displayed to define the parameters of the key result. When the "Use Metric" option is ticked, the following fields are enabled:
- Format - Select the number format to be shown
- Unit of Measurement - Enter the units
- Start Value - Enter the start value
- Target Value - Enter the target value
- Current Value - Enter the current value
Based on the values provided, the progress completion percentage is calculated using the following formula:
Progress % = [(Current value - Starting value) /(Target value - Starting value)] x 100
Step 4 - It is possible to edit the created key results by clicking the 'Edit' option.
Once the supervisor has created an objective for an employee, email notifications for each action performed will be sent to the selected subscribers. The following actions trigger a notification:
- Save Goal - When the supervisor creates an objective and assigns it to an employee, the objective-assigned notification is sent to the employee.
- Update Goal - When the employee updates the completion of the objective, the objective updated notification is sent to the supervisor. When adding, updating, or deleting key results, a goal notification is sent to the subscribers.
- Submit Goal - When the employee submits the objective, the objective pending approval notification is sent to the supervisor
- Approve Goal - When the supervisor approves the objective, the objective-approved notification is sent to the employee
- Reject Goal - When the supervisor rejects the objective, the objective rejected notification is sent to the employee
How to Manually Add Goals to Reviews After Creation
If you missed adding goals when the appraisals were created or wish to add more goals to the current appraisal, when you create the goal that goal will be automatically add in to a current year appraisal.
If an employee has to cycle for a year by the time when you add a new goal to the employee the system show "Add to Appraisal" button select which appraisal should be selected add a new goal. By clicking the button you can select the appraisal as shown below.
Download Goals/Objectives
Click the "PDF" and "CSV" icons to download the goal information.
By clicking on the 'Download' button, the weight percentages will also show up in the PDF and DOCX files that you export.
Adding Goals/OKRs widget to the Employee My Info tab
After the admin sets the Goals and objectives, they can now add the Performance - Goals/OKRs widget to track the summary and progress of those goals and OKRs. By adjusting the user type toggle, you can specify which users can access this widget and view its information. Now you can have a comprehensive view of given Goals and OKRs progress by the widget.