An appraisal cycle is a defined period of time during which the overall performance of an employee is assessed. Usually, an appraisal cycle is for either 1 year, 6 months, or 3 months. However, it is common practice for most companies to conduct mid-year appraisals. Irrespective of the time defined for an appraisal cycle, an employee must make optimum use of this time in order to showcase his/her performance. If it is a new employee then he/she can make the best use of this time to adapt to the working conditions as quickly as possible and then start to perform.
A common issue that many companies face is having to create several appraisal cycles for many employees. With OrangeHRM, a company can now create a common appraisal cycle(s) encompassing a large set of employees.
To access this feature go to Performance -> Appraisals -> Appraisal Cycle. The 'Appraisal Cycle List' screen is then triggered as follows:
Step 1 – Click the 'Add Appraisal Cycle' button which is situated towards the top right-hand corner of the screen. The following screen appears:
Step 2 – Complete the following fields for the above screen.
Field |
Description |
Cycle Name |
A unique name to identify the cycle. |
From/To |
Define the time period the appraisal is being created for. |
Due Date |
The due date for the appraisal. |
Location |
The location for which the appraisal cycle is being created. |
Main Evaluator Name |
Define a Main (Final) Evaluator for the cycle. Select Main Evaluator by
(This is common for all the employee appraisals in the cycle.) |
Template |
Upon typing, a template name is triggered from the predefined list of templates that the user can choose from. |
Step 3 – Click 'Save' after defining the above fields. After clicking the 'Save' button the following 2 buttons appear.
Step 4 – Using the filters select the set of Employees that you wish to create the appraisals.
Step 5 - Add them to the cycle.
The system takes you through a wizard to complete the appraisal cycle creation process.
Step 6 – Complete the following fields to narrow down the search.
Field |
Description |
Location |
The location where the employees are located. Since this field was defined in the 'Add Appraisal Cycle' screen, it cannot be changed again. |
Employee Name |
Can enter preferred employee names or employee IDs available in the system. Multiple entries can be entered in this field. |
Job Title |
Define job titles relevant to the appraisal. Multiple entries can be entered in this field. |
Sub Unit |
Define departments relevant to the appraisal. Multiple entries can be entered in this field. |
Step 7 - If the selected employees are finalized click “Create appraisals”.
Step 11 – Click the 'Activate' button and then the appraisals for the chosen employees will be activated.
This will trigger email notifications to be issued to reviewers. Alternatively, the user can click 'Save' after choosing the employees and then click 'Create Appraisals'.
Perform Action Over Multiple Appraisal Cycle
It is possible to close the appraisal cycle even if the appraisals for some employees have not been completed. Appraisals that are not in a completed state remain as they are upon closing the appraisal cycle.
When closing an appraisal cycle, a confirmation dialogue is presented to the user indicating the number of incomplete appraisals.
If the admin decides to close the appraisals even though there are incomplete appraisals, by clicking the "YES CLOSE", those appraisals will get closed.
Download Appraisals in Bulk
The Bulk download option now exists facilitating the download of all appraisals within an Appraisal cycle as a zip file. All the appraisals which fall under that specific appraisal cycle can easily be downloaded in bulk by clicking the “Download Appraisals” option.
Please refer to the following related article: