This feature explains how to schedule a standard test or an interview for the applicants once they have applied for a job post. Also, this feature gives the capability to create tests or interviews for the applicants at once in a single view. Hence, it is highly unlikely to occur overlapping an event when scheduling a test or an interview.
Go to Recruitment -> Vacancies -> View Candidate
Step 1 - Click the "View Candidate" icon and select the candidate stage, "Application Received", Interview, Shortlisted. etc.
Once the Hiring manager proceeds with the candidates to the interview/test scheduled state, they can schedule the interviews/ tests as per the below steps.
Step 1 - Select the employee and click "Schedule".
Step 2 - Select the candidate for whom you wish to schedule the test, then click the icon. Then the Test Scheduling Screen appears.
It is possible to select multiple candidates and schedule tests for them.
Step 3 - Select a date and time for the test, and add any desired comments.
Step 4 - Click the icon to show the rest of the candidates in a stage.
Once a test has been conducted, ATS allows you to enter the candidate’s testing and advance that candidate to the next level of the recruitment process.
Step 5 - Select the candidate for whom you wish to enter test results, then click. The Test Results Screen appears.
Step 6 - Enter the test results, then click the icon
The process for scheduling an interview is the same as for scheduling tests. Change the status of the interview once it has been completed.