The OrangeHRM dashboard provides you to easily see the actions that you need to perform, and quickly access all your shortcuts, it can be configured to display custom-created reports in the dashboard screen, the actions required for tasks under my action widgets, configure what widgets should be enabled in the employee's dashboards, etc. In essence, the OrangeHRM dashboard enables HR professionals, managers, and administrators to access and manage important HR data and tasks in a user-friendly and organized manner, helping them make informed decisions and effectively manage their workforce.
To access the dashboard, go to the Home screen by clicking the home icon in the top navigation bar.
Dashboard Widget Configuration
Step 1: Click configure icon to select what widgets to be displayed on the dashboard screen. When clicking the configuration icon, you can see the widgets that are available and you can define the user roles to whom you are going to make these widgets available.
By clicking the down arrow you can select the employee group to whom you are going to make this widget available. Enabling the ‘default selected to’ option for a particular user role will result in that particular widget being displayed in the dashboard screen by default.
My Actions
My Action widget is like your to-do list or your calendar for that given day. All actions you need to perform for today are itemized here.
The My Action widget will show the,
- Pending leave requests from employees that may need to be actioned.
- Onboarding events or tasks that are assigned or any training activity,
- In addition, the submitted employee timesheets that may need to be reviewed and actioned
- Any actions assigned to you in relation to recruitment related vacancy workflow tasks for which you are responsible and may need to attend to
these also show under the My actions widget.
It is also possible to configure the notifications to be shown under my action widget.
Step 1 - Click the configuration icon, you can enable and disable the notifications with respect to the modules. You can summarise the requests to be shown in the action widget.
Summery View
Individual View
If you click on the down arrow for Pending Leave Requests within the widget, you can choose to show either a Summary of requests or individual requests related to the module. When selecting the individual requests option you can select to only show the requests of subordinates who are reporting to you.
If you wish to remove a widget you can simply click on this configuration icon and select remove.
Quick Access
In the quick access widget, you can access all the saved shortcuts, those will be displayed here and you can click on any of these listed shortcuts to view that specific screen.
As an example, if you make the employee list screen a shortcut as shown below. Go to Employee Management and set the filters in the employee list based on certain criteria. Then click "My Shortcuts" and in the popup window click the "+" button and enter the name.
News and Documents
All the published news and documents will display as below.
Employees On Leave Today
This can be configured to show the employees who are on leave for the current date via widgets according to the leave calendar configuration.
It is possible to configure it to show only the employees who are reporting to you. As an example admin can see all the employees who are on leave for the current date but if he/she wants to see information only for the employees who are reporting to them that can be defined within the widget.
Step 1: Click the 'Configuration' icon and tick off 'Only Show Employees Reporting To Me'
There are a few more leave-related widgets that you can see in the dashboards and those widgets are as follows.
You can set it up to show the buzz-related posts as widgets on the dashboard screen.
Graphical Report
Graphical charts relating to custom reports created through the Reports & Analytics module can also be visualized on the dashboard screen by adding that report to the dashboard.
Step 1: Go to Reports & Analytics > Select a Report and Click Add Chart icon.
Performance Quick Feeback
This widget displays tracker data created for an employee. By clicking the add tracker log option you may also add positive or negative feedback for the employee directly from the dashboard.
Also, it is possible to select the time period of the feedback data you wish to see by defining this via the configuration option
Step 1- Click the "Configuration" icon on the top right side of the widget.
Time At Work
The ‘Time At Work” widget can also be set up to be shown in the dashboard. With this useful feature, You can add punch-in and out records directly From the widget itself by clicking this clock icon. It will show the duration of hours you have worked for today and also for the entire week. The following chart area provides a graphical representation of the punch-in and out time for each day over the entire week.
If you wish to arrange the widgets you can simply drag and drop to arrange the order of the widget as per your preference.