This option is only applicable to the OrangeHRM paid clients, for the modules purchased from the OrangeHRM. Please request the license file from OrangeHRM before the date of license expiry is reached. Upon the remittance of payment, OrangeHRM Finance Department will share the new license file with your organization. Please follow the below steps to update the current license file with the new file.
Method 1 - This is how the onsite clients can update their licenses.
Step 1 - Get the license file from OrangeHRM.
Step 2 - Open the file using a text editor (e.g. Notepad, Notepad++, etc.).
Step 3 - Copy the highlighted section of the file in between the lines (--) as shown below.
Step 4 - Go to Management Tools -> License Update.
Step 5 - Paste the copied content on the text area (License Key *) and click on the Update button.
The OrangeHRM license is now updated in your system.
Method 2 - Update the license file from the Server.
Step 1 - Access the OrangeHRM root folder from the server.
Step 2 - Copy/ back up the current license file to a safe location, identified by the keyword "license".
Step 3 - Replace the old license file with the new license file the OrangeHRM Finance team has provided.
The License file format is a PHP file, hence, the above steps can be perfromed by an IT Administrator of your organization.
Once the user has successfully updated the license file, the following are the steps to verify if the license file is updated as required.
Login as Admin and navigate to the About page as shown below.
Step 4 - Click the down arrow sign from the navigation and click "About"
Step 5 - Upon clicking the user can see the following details in the About section.
- Company Name: The name of the organization
- Version: The version number of the system
- Employees: Number of employee accounts that are allowed in the system
- Users: Number of user accounts that are allowed in the system
- Renewal on Date: The expiration date of the license file.