In the new release, there is a newly introduced column to identify the request status along with whom the request is pending and the approver’s level. This addition to the request desk will improve user experience and provide an easy view of the request status from the list view.
When there is an action recorded in a request in the Request Desk, it is now can be seen in a new section under request history. Here you can see the action and the user who performed the action along with the action date and time.
Granting approvers the ability to request additional information from the requester enhances the request resolution process by fostering better communication and ensuring that all relevant details are available on time. With one click approvers can now request additional information with this designated button to request more info.
With the new release, admins have the ability to activate or inactivate request forms that are available in the system. This feature will help to organize the system by inactivating unused request forms and keeping only the used request forms active.
Simply click the active or inactive radio button in the status field in the Request type edit window.
We have now added a new user role as a default approver in the system. With this release request owners can also add the Head of Unit/Department as a default approver.
Regional admins in the system can now be configured only to manage and access requests relating to locations assigned to the admin’s region. This feature will help regional admins to have an organized set of requests in the system.
This configuration can be set when adding a new request or by editing an existing request type.
If admins wish to create a new request form using a previously created request form template, it is now possible to create one by easily duplicating the template from an existing request form. After adding the duplicate template system will capture all the information of the existing template except the Request Type Name, Primary Request Owner, and Secondary Request Owner.
With the new release, the user is now allowed to customize the columns you want to appear in the Request List view. By clicking the configuration icon on the top left corner of the list you can now choose up to 13 columns appear.