The expense reports are further improved on how it can be created. Also there are several new canned reports that are introduced with this version. Below section will provide an idea on the improvements.
1.Custom Reports - Detailed and Summary Classification
The user is now able to create a customized expense report in two categories.
- Detailed Report
This generates a detailed breakdown of transactions in the output regardless of the transaction type(Expense Claims or Expense Requests). You have extended selection criteria and extended display fields to select out of. It can let you generate in depth information to your custom report.
Expense >> Reports >> Add
- Summary report
This generates a summary view of the transactions with an additional option to group the results. This is in addition to the selection criteria and display fields available in custom report generator. By default display fields maybe restricted to select in this report but enabled relative to the grouping information selected. This is to ensure the detailed breakdown is neglected to certain extent but to provide a summarized view according to the grouping selection.
Expense >> Reports >> Add
2. New additions in Canned Reports-
There are 4 new canned reports introduced with this version.
- Expense Summary report - Based on Expense Types
This canned report contains a summarized view of expense information based on an ‘expense type’. It provides totals based on the ‘claim status’ and ‘currency’ under a particular ‘expense type’.
It contains below filters that can be used to filter the data available in this report.
Expense >> Reports >> Expense Summary report - Based on Expense Types
- Expense Summary Report - Based on Sub Units
This canned report contains a summarized view of expense information based on sub units. It provides totals based on the ‘claim status’ and ‘currency’ under a particular ‘sub unit’.
It contains below filters that can be used to filter the data available in this report.
Expense >> Reports >> Expense Summary report - Based on Sub Units
Following fields are available in the report output. This can also be exported to CSV or PDF.
Expense >> Reports >> Expense Summary report - Based on Sub Units
- Unclaimed Cash Advances
This canned report provides a summary of ‘expense requests’ which entails ‘cash advances’, yet ‘unclaimed’. The summary figure is generated ‘employee wise’ for each ‘status of expense request’. It has powerful filter criteria that the employee details can be filtered by
Expense >> Reports >> Unclaimed Cash Advances
Following fields are available in the output This can also be exported to CSV or PDF.
Expense >> Reports >> Unclaimed Cash Advances
- Unclaimed Travel(Expense) Requests
This canned report provides a summary of ‘unclaimed expense requests’ based on ‘sub unit’. It provides totals of ‘estimated expense requests’ based on the ‘status’ and ‘currency’ under a particular ‘sub unit’.
It contains below filters that can be used to filter the data available in this report.
Expense >> Reports >> Unclaimed Travel(Expense) Requests
Following fields are available in the output. This can also be exported to CSV or PDF.
Expense >> Reports >> Unclaimed Travel(Expense) Requests