Attendance Module
The Attendance module is already available from OrangeHRM as a separately licensed module. The following new functionality is available to all clients who have licensed this module.
Pay policy enhancements
Based on your company's pay policy, you may now define rules for working days, non-working days, and holidays. The system allows you to set up the rules by enabling this option which then allows you to configure the required rules according to your organization’s defined pay policy rules.
With this feature, you can now specify how an employee's basic pay will be affected if they work on a non-working day or a holiday.
When establishing pay periods, we have included a new option called semi-monthly, which allows you to define pay policy guidelines based on a semi-monthly pay schedule. A semi-monthly pay period refers to a payment schedule whereby employees receive their paychecks twice each month. This means that they receive 24 paychecks in a year. Alongside the bi-weekly plan, semi-monthly pay is one of the most common pay schedules used by businesses.
Graphical reporting improvements
In the attendance report section, if you wish to see the data with different date formats, we have included a new dropdown option to select the date format you want to visualize in the resultant report.
Additionally, in the attendance reports, if you wish to separately see the leave time as it relates to the different leave types set up in the system, this is easily accommodated by enabling this ‘Display Leave Types’ checkbox.