The OrangeHRM system is equipped to manage user role restrictions to viewing, publishing, updating and deleting News and Documents.
Three default data groups are available in the system to support user role access, as follows.
- Admin - Announcements Documents
- Admin - Announcements News
- Admin - Announcements Document Categories
The first 2 data groups have permission options: Read, Update, Create, Delete when creating Custom Admin roles.
The third data group is only available for default admins.
Go HR Administration-> Manage User Roles click the + icon and go to the Data Group Permission and expand the HR administration.
For example, if the user is a Regional Admins, then he or she is able to see documents that are published, or saved to be published to his/her administrative location only.
These documents are available in the News/Documents list, Dashboard, More-> Announcement -> News/Documents and News/Documents acknowledgment reports
The ability to add and publish News / Documents is controlled by "Admin - Announcements Documents" or "Admin - Announcements News" data groups.
Publish to all Location
This feature works differently for Global and Regional Admin.
- Global Admin
By default ‘All” locations option is selected and the Global admin can choose to publish documents to all or specific locations.
- Regional Admin
By default, the ‘All” locations option is selected and under location, all the administrative locations are selected by default. Regional admin can choose to publish documents to all or specific locations in their purview.
If a global admin has published/saved a news/doc by selecting "All" in locations, regional admin/custom admin with all-region accessibility cannot edit it. But if a global admin has added locations separately, regional admins who have access to all locations can edit it.
Regional admins can see only the accessible employees for their administrative location.