Creditable service improvements
In this version, we have introduced a new format to display the “Creditable Service” value as Year(s), Month(s), and Day(s). Also, the employee Joined, Rejoined and Termination events dates are considered for the Calculation. For example, if today is 15th March 2022, if an employee joins the organization on 12th March 2020 and resigns on 12th March 2021and again rejoins the organization on 12th December 2021, the calculation would be as follows:
12th March 2020 and resigns on 12th March 2021 = 12 months ( 1 year)
12th December 2021 up to 15th March 2022 = 3 months and 2 days
Altogether, the creditable service value will show 1 year 3 months 2 days
In addition, we have included a new field called "Current Service" that displays the employee's current company service.
If there are multiple re-hirings for a particular employee the initially joined date is now captured within the employee's job section via a new field that now displays the Initial Joined date for employees.