The Employee Profile is where an employee's data can be viewed, edited, and stored. As an employee, once you have logged into the system you can verify your details added to the system are correct and if any changes need to be made you can contact your HR administrator. To access your profile info go to the Employee Management -> My info
Upon clicking on the My Info tab, profile info will appear as below:
The Employee Profile is divided into four very important tabs,
- Personal Details
- Job
- Salary
- Contact Details
- Social Media details
- Emergency Contacts
- Dependents
- immigration
- Report - To
- Qualifications
- Memberships
- Direct Deposit
Personal Details
The Personal Details tab contains all of an employee's personal information and data. This is an incredibly important page as the data contained in this page is used for other key modules throughout the OrangeHRM system. This page must be filled in completely and accurately as possible.
Changing the Profile Picture
You can update the profile picture by clicking the configuration icon located next to the profile image upload.
A modal window would appear as below. You can now attach a photograph you prefer. Once you select your new picture, you have to scale your image, so the profile picture contains the part of the image that you want.
The Job tab contains all employees' job information and data. This is an incredibly important page as the data contained in this page is used for other key modules throughout the OrangeHRM system. It is crucial that this page is filled in completely and accurately as possible.
You can navigate to see the job history and attached documents under the attachment section. Also, you can view the job details for a specific date through the snapshot option.
Step 2 - Click the "Snapshot' icon and select the date.
Step 3 - To exit the snapshot view click as below.
The Salary tab contains all employees' salary information and data. This is an incredibly important page as the data contained is similar to the job screen. It is crucial that this page is filled in completely and accurately as possible.
You can verify the details in the compensation tab and similar to the job section, you can use the snapshot view to see the salary records for a specific date.
Step 3 - Go to the 'Salary History' section to see the past records. You can see that salary increments and decrements are also captured as a percentage on this page.
Apart from the above, the employee is capable of adding information to other tabs including contact Details, Emergency Contacts, Qualifications, etc. as permitted by the organization.