Additional Gender option
Gender discrimination is defined as any action that specifically denies opportunities, privileges, or rewards to a person (or a group) because of their gender. Due to that reason some organizations keep gender-related employee information confidential. In this release, OrangeHRM has introduced an additional gender option called ‘nonbinary’ under the employee’s profile in the personal details screen. If the user wants to add more gender options other than the basic gender types, that can be done from the backend.
EEO Reporting Improvements (US Only)
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is the term used to describe laws, regulations, and processes related to the fair treatment of employees. EEO report is a compliance survey mandated by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and it’s obligatory for US employers to file such a report if they meet certain criteria. EEO report contains employment data, categorized by:
- Gender
- Race/Ethnicity
- Job Category
In this release, OrangeHRM allows the user to complete this information in three simple steps. The system will guide the user via a wizard which steps through the required information needed for EEO filing resulting in the generation of a CSV output file of EEO data for single establishment companies. This report can be directly uploaded to the EEO Survey Portal when filing for EEO.