OrangeHRM gives you the possibility to access your employee's personal information through the OrangeHRM Advanced mobile application. As an admin, it is possible to view and update your employees' personal information such as personal details, contact details, Emergency contact details, etc. The following capabilities are also possible:
- Extensive employee searches are facilitated
- Ability to view/update employee personal, contact, and emergency contact information
- Change employee profile images
- Ability to call, text, or email the selected employee
- View/Update the Job information and work history records of employees
- Upload/Download employee personal, Job, contact, or emergency contact-related attachments.
Menu Panel
When the user clicks on the three-bar or swaps the screen from left to right, the main menu screen is displayed.
Search for Employees
You can easily search for employees by tapping on the search icon and applying filters based on your preferences. To access this feature, navigate to Menu > Employee Management > Employee List.
- Employee Name
- Employee ID
- Employment Status
- Supervisor Name
- Job Title
- Sub Unit
- Location
- Cost Center
- Include Current Employees, Only Current and Past Employees, or Past Employees Only
- Set as Default Filter
Employee Personal Details
As an admin user, you can view and change your employees' personal information via the mobile application if you have the appropriate access capabilities.
Step 1: By clicking the profile picture, the user can upload pictures or capture selfies and update the profile picture.
It is possible to call, text, or email the selected employee by selecting the appropriate quick access functions.
Step 2: Quick Actions
- In order for the call or text options to be available, the selected employee must have either the work telephone, mobile, or home telephone numbers available under their contact details. If this data is not available, the call option button will not be enabled.
- Calling or texting via the quick action buttons will be available to a single telephone number. When more than one phone number is available, the following order will be used to determine which number will be chosen:
- Work Telephone
- Mobile
- Home Telephone
- In order for the email option to be available, the selected employee should have a work email or other email address available under their contact details. If this data is not available, the email option button will not be enabled.
- Emailing via the quick action buttons will be available to a single email. When more than one email is available, precedence for which email address to use will happen in the following order:
- Work Email
- Other Email
Employee Job Details
As an admin user, you can also view and update your employees' job-related information via the mobile application if you have the appropriate access capabilities. Information such as their Joined Date, Job Title, Contract Details, etc. can be viewed or changed.
Users can check their job responsibilities and duties by downloading the job specification document under the Job tab in the mobile application. By accessing this document, users gain clarity about their responsibilities and stay informed about the requirements of their position.
Employee Salary Details
In the OrangeHRM Advanced mobile application, administrators with the appropriate access permissions can view and update employee salary details. This functionality allows admins to securely manage and modify salary information directly within the app, ensuring that employee compensation data remains accurate and up-to-date.
Employee Contact Details
It is possible to update employee contact details such as their Home Address, Telephone, Mobile, Work Email address, etc. Also, you can contact the employee via a call, text, or email as below:
Employee Emergency Contact Details
It is possible to update employee emergency contact details such as the name of the Emergency contact person, Relationship, Home Telephone, Mobile, etc.
Employee Immigration Details
Admins can easily manage crucial details related to their immigration status, dependents, and qualifications. They can seamlessly add, modify, and delete information directly within the app.
Employee Contact Report-to Details
In the 'Report-To' tab, admins can conveniently access a list of their direct reports as well as employees who report to them. This feature provides users with a clear overview of their managerial hierarchy, facilitating easier management and oversight of team members.
Employee Qualifications Details
It is possible to view employee Qualification details such as work experience, skills, education, licenses, language details, etc.