New Dashboard Interface
With this release, OrangeHRM has introduced a new Dashboard screen to track your day-to-day tasks, any actions you need to perform, allow quick access to all your bookmarked pages, View News and Documents and much more. This new Dashboard offers the following key capabilities:
- New and customizable widgets with ‘Drag and Drop’ ability to achieve a unique grid view layout per individual preference
- Ability to navigate to the Dashboard from any place in the system by simply clicking on the Home icon
- Power to configure Dashboard visibility for users via the Configuration option
The new Dashboard widgets now available are as follows:
My Actions Widget
My Actions widget is like your to-do list or your calendar for that given day. All the actions you need to perform today are itemized here.
The My Actions widget will display the following:
- Pending leave requests from employees that may need to be actioned
- Onboarding events or tasks that are assigned or any training activity that may require attention
- Submitted employee timesheets that may need to be reviewed and actioned
- Actions assigned in relation to recruitment related vacancy workflow tasks for which you are responsible and may need to attend to
Quick Access Widget
In the quick access widget, you can access all the OrangeHRM screens that you have bookmarked which will be displayed here. Clicking on any of these listed shortcuts will instantly bring you the corresponding screen in the system.
Time at Work Widget
The ‘Time At work” widget can also be configured to be shown in the dashboard. With this useful feature, you can add punch in and out records directly from the widget itself by clicking on this clock icon, the system takes you to the punch /out pages. It will display the duration of hours you have worked for today and also for the entire week. The following chart area provides a graphical representation of the punch in and out data for each day over the entire week.
Employees on Leave Today Widget
This widget can be configured to show the employees who are on leave for the current date according to the configuration of the leave calendar within the system.
It can be configured to show the leave of all employees or only those reporting to you. For example, an admin user can see all the employees who are on leave for the current date but if he/she wants to see information specific to their subordinates, this can also be defined within the widget.
Buzz Latest Posts Widget
You can configure the system to show the most recent buzz posts in a widget on the dashboard screen.
News & Documents Widget
All the published news and documents can also be set up for display via widgets on the dashboard screen
Performance Quick Feedback Widget
This widget displays tracker data created for an employee. By clicking the add tracker log option, positive and negative tracker information can be added directly from the dashboard widget facilitating continuous performance tracker feedback throughout the year.
Custom Report Chart Widgets
Graphical charts relating to custom reports created through the PIM module can also be visualized on the dashboard screen by adding that report as a widget to the dashboard.